Knowing your 8s

Knowing your Enneagram 8

In our Friday Crew, we learned a little something about Enneagram 8s.

When the bulldozer uses his/her superpowers just for the self, it gets messy & it just doesn't do a darn thing for anyone.

When the Bulldozer uses his/her strength, power, wit & insight to plow a path for others, great things happen.

Do you know someone who you'd consider a bulldozer? Someone who seems to just bowl right over just about anyone in their path, no matter the time, day or circumstance?

They might be an 8 on the Enneagram.

The Advocate.
The Challenger.
The tough cookie.
The big teddy bear.

The Enneagram 8 starts off the Gut Triad.
They lead with their gut & they’re completely comfortable with that.
These folks DO before they think or feel.
They have a special ability to make split-second decisions (especially once they’ve honed their gut) and not second-guess themselves. (I know! Doesn’t it sound amazing?!)


Core Fear:
weakness, powerlessness, vulnerability, injustice
Core Desire: Safeguarding themselves & their people
Core Weakness: Lust/excess, often in terms of power
Core Longing: "You will not be betrayed. This can be trusted."

The 8 can be hugely misunderstood because of how contradictory the sentiments can seem; the harshness geared toward protection could be softer, and the tenderness underneath the hard shell could stand to be exposed a little more often.

The Enneagram 8 prefers clear, direct, and concise communication. Not because they don’t care, but because that is how fast their mind works & runs.

Every Enneagram type has 2 wings, which are the adjacent numbers. For the 8, that’s the 9 and the 7.

Wings act like personality crutches; when we’re leaning out of our dominant type, we lean into one of two wings - usually one more strongly than the other, but once in a great while we have a steady equilibrium of leaning on both wings an equal amount. They add to the flavor of our personality, like salt & pepper or sugar & spice, depending on how we use it.

8w7 - 8 with a 7 wing - is nicknamed The Maverick: energetic, quicky, feisty, assertive, at times aggressive, blunt, demanding, not super patient.
8w9 - 8 with a 9 wing - is nicknamed The Bear: more easily accesses tender side, more patient, compassionate, can have a more unpredictable temper, desires comfort & peace while also demanding justice & equity (for all, not just for themselves).

Every Enneagram type has a stress arrow & a security arrow; where we go when we’re our messy selves & where we go when we’re our comfortable (sometimes lazy) selves.

In average to heavy stress, 8s go to average-to-unhealthy traits of the Enneagram 5: withdrawn, quieter, distrusting, cynical, more cerebral (stuck in their heads) and less physical, detached.
In blind-spot security (the lazy, I’ve-always-been-this-way self), 8s go to average-to-unhealthy traits of the Enneagram 2: overly helpful, manipulating the situation so others depend on them, seeking reassurance they’re still needed, getting the bulldozer dirt all over themselves.

The good news is — These stress & security arrows tell us when we’re not living as our best selves.

In growth, 8s go to average-to-healthy traits of the Enneagram 2: plowing a path for others, showing feelings & tenderness, increased empathy & compassion, more considerate, putting others’ needs above their own.
In integration
, 8s go to average-to-healthy traits of the Enneagram 5: pause before gut reactions, increasing self-awareness, collaborating, integrating others’ perspectives, more humble.

Strengths: Independent, intelligent, gritty, courageous, confident, determined, supportive, empowering
Struggles: plowing over others, a lone wolf at times, high temper at times, can be too assertive & aggressive

The 8 is considered a Teddy Bear for good reason. We need those who are big and strong to plow a path for others. We have plenty of people next to us, how about those in front who can plow the path for us? Thanks, 8s!

Does this sound like you? Or does it sound like someone you know?

Get the Typing Guide right here or in the form below. Figuring out your Enneagram number is a great way to start figuring out why you say, do & think the way you do. It’s a great way to learn that you’re not weird, you’re just you. And we need you.

Still looking for more? Shoot me an email & we can talk about coaching!

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