
Excerpt -- chapter 4

Excerpt -- chapter 4

Below is an excerpt from chapter 4. I wrote every chapter number you asked for on a separate piece of paper. For those of you who asked for all of it, I wrote a random number of my choosing ;) Then I had my mother-in-law randomly choose a piece of paper. Keep in mind:

- This is part of the chapter, not the whole thing.
- This is part of the working draft, which, like your cable television bill, is always subject to change without notice.
- The title is also in the works, so no reveal for that yet.
- Feel free to guess plot points and to share what you like/don't like (really!).
- Don't mind the formatting. A writer I am; a web format manipulator/expert I am not.
- This is a work of fiction, which means any resemblance to real-life is coincidental. Fiction is an amalgamation of a writer's real-world experience and his/her imagination.