I’ve wanted to write books since I was 7 years old.
I can still see myself pulling out the story I had written in school. I wanted to go show my mom but the most annoying boy in second grade had just called to see if I could play. I begged my mom to say no! I feel bad about that now, but here we are, 30 years later and we’ve all survived.
I remember thinking, “I want to do this forever.” At least a dozen rom-com scenes run through my head on a daily basis, like a ticker tape at the bottom of a screen. I don’t always name the characters, but they never disappoint. I always land on a happy ending.
For two years, I did what I thought I was supposed to do. I posted “authentically” in various online spaces. I hosted a podcast. I wrote for other blogs. I did all of those things, and it was just … not me. Bits and pieces of it were. But the stuff that drained me was not balancing the stuff that invigorated me.
So in October 2023, I took a hard left and turned to what I’ve loved my entire life: books. I “joined” the #bookstagram community on Instagram. I deleted my business FB page and created an author one for daily book quotes and such.
The hustle required for the podcast, daily blog during Lent of 2021, and keeping up with Influencers when that really wasn’t my place? No, thanks. It truly got me nowhere. It taught me a lot, but when it was done I had no qualms about moving on.
When we’re in a space we’re meant to be in, we feel it in our bones.
And when the time comes for us to move out of that space, we feel it in our bones. We just have to take the leap away from the hustle and toward the heart God gives us. Pray every day: Lord, guide my work. Make my work your work.
I had heart when I was living in that hustle space, but my heart tired quickly. Now I’m living from the heart God has given me, and imagine my delight when I don’t feel dread every time I open Insta.
Live from the heart, not the hustle. Your body will know the difference, and you’ll be better for it. You’ll work better for it. And you’ll know the glory of living in the space created just for you.