Romans 12:18 — As far as it depends on you,
live at peace with everyone.
I am Democrat, you are Republican; peace depends on me.
I am a woman, you are a man; peace depends on me.
I am cis gender, you are transgender; peace depends on me.
I am straight, you are part of the LGBTQ+ community; peace depends on me.
I am a Christian, you are Jewish; peace depends on me.
I am white, you are black; peace depends on me.
I am a New Yorker, you are a Carolinian; peace depends on me.
I parent this way, you parent that way; peace depends on me.
I dislike private gun ownership, you have 40 weapons across two safes; peace depends on me.
I am a city dweller, you ride a tractor; peace depends on me.
I watch CNN, you watch FOX News; peace depends on me.
I am college-educated, you have a GED; peace depends on me.
You are an immigrant, I live in my hometown; peace depends on me.
I am a descendant of a western European immigrant, you are a descendent of an African immigrant; peace depends on me.
I drink tea, you drink coffee; peace depends on me.
I read the book, you watch the movie; peace depends on me.
I am human, you are human; peace depends on US.
Peace depends on you, whether face-to-face or through the keyboard, peace depends on you.
On us.
From the big-ticket items like politics, immigration, and religion, to the small differences of coffee vs. tea and read the book vs. watch the movie.
Differences aren’t going away, and the bridge between us is PEACE, and it depends on US.
*Disclaimer: This post was edited on 4/23/2021 because I had too many ‘not’s in here; when read it could sound like not means less than and that’s the furthest thing from my heart.