Embrace it.

Embrace it.

I don’t want to embrace it. I want this Comedy of Errors to stop. I want to tell the writers of whatever tricked-ya TV show I’ve landed myself in to stop writing, joke’s over, I’m tired, we can all go back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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Sprinkles for Breakfast... And other rules worth breaking

Sprinkles for Breakfast... And other rules worth breaking

You can schedule naps and you can have regular pizza nights and your child should expect consistency with love and discipline.

But you can’t plan for the wardrobe conflicts, the naked painting, the totally developmentally-appropriate yet unexpected “let’s do this instead” moments that can throw parents into a tizzy.

But that's okay, because some rules are meant to be broken. Sometimes...

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Just because it's raining today doesn't mean it'll be raining tomorrow

Just because it's raining today doesn't mean it'll be raining tomorrow

Still, assuming that the rain was going to continue made no sense to me. If I had meteorological instruments available to me, then I could find out if it’s a weather system that would be around for a few days. But generally speaking, looking at one day’s rain shouldn’t predict the next day’s weather.

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Peace depends on me.

Peace depends on me.

I am Democrat. You are Republican. Peace depends on me.
I am a woman, you are not; peace depends on me.
I am a Christian, you are not; peace depends on me.

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