Why do I need therapy if I have God?
A great question… attempted to be answered in this podcast episode.
A quick hit answer: you have a series of hurts you’ve encountered over your lifetime. (None of that is your fault, by the way). Those hurts have burrowed down in your heart.
(Told you it was a quick answer!)
If you or someone you know wonders, What’s the point of therapy if I read my Bible and talk to God everyday?, then this episode is for you/them. A couple stories, a couple good illustrations, a great case made for why therapy is for everyone, and a prayer for you.
Show notes:
That Sounds Fun episode 298 with Michelle Williams
Aundi Kolber, author & therapist
That Sounds Fun episode 296 with Thad Cockrell
Dr. Anita Phillips
You Asked! About Therapy on In the Light podcast with Dr. Anita Phillips
PsychologyToday.com to Find a Therapist
West Wing episode with boat parable
We’re Going There with Bianca Juarez Olthoff: Episode 16 with Lecrae: Deconstructing to Reconstructing Faith
Dr. Caroline Leaf
One more thing…